I will admit that I am not the most patient person. However, it is something I will need to work on as it is a requirement in the publishing business. Still, I am waiting for many things: 1. I am waiting to hear back from my wonderful beta readers. I assume I overwhelmed them by giving them something to read at the start of the school year. I love that they were willing to help me out, and I am in no way pressuring them. School should always come first (said like a true teacher).
2. I am waiting for the right literary agent. Interestingly, I picked up a copy of Writer’s Digest last night at Barnes and Noble and read about an agent who was actually seeking out submissions in my genre! No joke here. I will openly tell you that I have done countless searches and spent many hours reading about literary agent’s preferences. Not once did I find an agent that was specifically requesting my genre.
Yahtzee! -to quote Jack Black.
Now, let’s see where that query leads…
3. I am waiting for Breaking Dawn Part 1 to come out…wait a minute, this doesn’t have anything to do with this post. Sorry.
4. I am waiting for my husband to finish my novel so that he can help me make this blog look amazing. He is a very talented web developer and designer. I know he can help me have a presence online.
5. I am waiting for some results of a writing contest I entered. I didn’t realize how much fun it is to write flash fiction.
Speaking of which, my hubby suggested I write some short stories here about my favorite characters from Fireflies. I’m giving this some serious thought.
6. Finally, I am waiting to see my novel on the shelf at Barnes and Noble. I realize I may have to wait a FEW YEARS for this to happen. 😉